Seven reasons why people are moving this year

In this two-minute read, we look at seven reasons people are upping sticks and moving out, on, and upwards.

Over the years, we’ve helped hundreds of people move home successfully.

The reasons why people move are varied, but in our experience, they tend to be one of the seven ‘L’s.

What are the seven ‘L’s? Fear not, dear reader, because we’re about to reveal them below.


1)     Love

A new romantic relationship is a beautiful time in people’s lives. And when things get serious in the love stakes, the decision to move in together is one that fuels the moving market.

2)     Loss

Sadly, on the flip side, when a loved one dies, or a relationship ends, this can also be a catalyst for people to want to move out and on to a different chapter of their lives.

3)     Learning

When love turns into a family, then the demand for being near good schools motivates movers as much as anything we come across. That’s why people will pay a premium to be within the catchment areas of great places for their children to learn and develop.

4)     Lifestyle

A change is as good as a rest as the old saying goes. People’s lifestyles change as they get older, and their circumstances change. This is the driving force behind people upsizing, downsizing, and relocating.

5)     Location, location, location

One of the main motivating moving factors. It might be about being nearer to loved ones, an open space, good schools, transport links, even a view. Location is always up there as one of the most popular reasons people move.

6)     Leaving

When children get older and spread their wings to seek their own nests, the family home can often seem a little too big. This can be the cue for people wanting to downsize and free up some of the equity in their current home.

7)     Lockdown

The pandemic has made many of us re-evaluate our lives. And spending so much time indoors and at home has made many people want somewhere new to live. It could be because of a lack of space, a need for a garden, or to be nearer loved ones.

Whatever your reason for thinking about moving, we’re here to help you every step of the way.

 Copyright Maison Partnership 2021

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