How to Winter-Proof Your Home.
Winter(proofing) is coming…
In many ways, this has been a strange year, hasn’t it? But, you can rely on the seasons to come and go and soon it will be winter.
Some people don’t like the cold and the snow and the rain, while some people believe it is a magical time of year.
Whatever your thoughts, it is getting closer to the time that your home and garden will need to be winter-proofed, and now is the perfect time to prepare.
Get Ready for lower temperatures with 5 top tips:
In The Garden
Maintaining Your House
Boiler Blues
Insuring Your Future
Insulate to Accumulate
It’s important, but not everyone thinks of winter-proofing. It can save you money, and it can ensure that your house is ready for the harshest of weathers.
Here are our top five tips when it comes to winter-proofing your home.
1. In the Garden
It’s obvious that winter can play havoc with your garden. All those plants you’ve been tending to over the spring and summer months are in for a shock when the cold weather kicks in.
So, it’s best to look at what needs doing and to make a list of all the tasks that need completing before the frost sets in.
Are there plants that can come indoors, or be placed in a garage or a shed?
Do you need to get protective covers for plants that have to stay outside but are not necessarily hardy enough for a UK winter?
Perhaps you have been tending to ornamental bay leaf trees that need plastic hoods for winter?
Maybe you need to get a few pots so that plants can be transferred to a little nook in the garden that is secluded from the winds?
If you can’t store garden furniture in a garage or shed, make sure you buy a protective cover for it. You don’t want your items to be damaged over winter and it will cost you money to replace them once the weather turns better.
2. Maintain your House
However well-built, houses can suffer when the bad weather kicks in. But there are things you can do to ensure that your property is ready for the harsh onset of winter.
Do the gutters need clearing out?
Are any drains clear from leaves?
Is there a little crack in a windowpane that you have been meaning to get sorted?
Treat your home like a project. Make a list of everything that you think needs doing and go through it methodically. It’ll save you time and money in the long run.
3. Boiler Blues
Commercial properties and buy-to-rent homes must have the boilers regularly serviced, but homeowners don’t always think of doing this. When it comes to winter, it’s when you’re going to need a boiler working and in tip-top condition.
Have a look for a reliable plumber to come and service your boiler. After all, a broken boiler will mean you get cold and it could also cost you money.
We know some excellent trusted tradesmen, so get in touch with us and we will steer you in the right direction.
4. Insure your Future
Your house is your home, but winter does not care whether your home is your castle or not! Freezing water can cause pipe issues, wind can rip tiles from roofs, and storms can whip up trouble from falling branches.
Check your insurance is up to date and that it covers everything you need it to. There will always be some things you cannot claim for, but if your home is well-maintained and the insurance is right, you’re more likely to be able to make a claim if needed.
Do a paperwork audit. If you’re checking your insurance, have a look to see that everything else you need is in order too.
5. Insulate to Accumulate
Older houses in particular sometimes have a problem with insulation. You’re heating your home but that heat is seeping out, perhaps through the roof or small gaps in door and window frames. Make sure there is loft insulation and that there is enough of it. Good insulation is not just about keeping warm, it’s about keeping your bills down too.
Don’t forget to lag your pipes. Hardware stores will have all you need and you don’t need to use a qualified plumber to install it.
We Can Help.
Because we at Maison Partnership have bags of experience with many different types of homes, we know a little bit about preparing for winter too.
Give us a call on 0333 242 3292 for advice. You never know, we might even have a house for sale that is a perfect winter hideaway for you!